Posts Tagged ‘live oak’
Celebrating 25 Years of Live Oak AV
A journey behind the scenes. Live Oak AV has reached a remarkable milestone. This year marks 25 years of shaping experiences and amplifying voices in the heart of Seattle’s events industry. To commemorate this achievement, we sat down with the owners and co-founders, Jennifer and Dave, to learn the story behind Live Oak AV and…
Read MoreMore Than the Numbers: An Audiophile’s Journey
AV Tech Ryan Keyes Shares His Story Between advancing technology and the increasing level of professionalism in events, a career in corporate AV becomes more and more desirable. That’s why we’re sharing stories from our staff; we sat down with AV tech Ryan Keyes to discuss his career journey and why he sees corporate AV…
Read MoreEmbracing an Audiovisual Career with Passion + Drive
AV Tech Bryan Garcia Shares His Story As younger generations join the workforce and consider careers that make sense to them, corporate AV is a growing field. We sat down with AV Tech Bryan Garcia to talk about his career journey and why he sees corporate AV as a viable option for those who grew…
Read MoreGiving back to our community
A letter from CEO Jennifer O’Neal Nonprofit and community service organizations have played a pivotal role in our lives. As such, we strive to give back to our community in as many ways as we can. Why? Nonprofits are crucial in the U.S, as many of society’s critical support services are provided by nonprofit organizations…
Read MoreDispelling misconceptions of working in corporate AV
Customer Service Manager Violet Shares Her Story When I was in school for AV, the prevailing story was that “ending up” in corporate AV was the worst possible thing that could happen to you. The gist was that working in a corporate setting demonstrated that you weren’t enjoyable to work with, you weren’t talented enough,…
Read More2021 By the Numbers for Live Oak AV
Even though it’s been a tough year, we still believe in supporting our community. With a total of 556 events, spanning hotel, private, corporate, and nonprofit events as well as weddings, memorials, and more—it’s been a busy, fulfilling year. Take a look at the numbers and take the time to reflect on your own events: …
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