What “Live Oak” Means to Us

Did you know that no live oaks grow in Seattle? There are a lot of Douglas firs, Western hemlocks, and Pacific dogwoods. But there aren’t any live oaks. Except, of course, for us—Live Oak AV.
We are often asked where our name comes from, as Live Oak trees are not native to the Pacific Northwest. Found in drier climates, a Live Oak tree is a colossal, picturesque tree with huge horizontal and arching branches that create a broad, rounded canopy providing protection and shade.
These trees were named “Live” Oaks as they are evergreen and durable and, if cut or injured, they will grow new sprouts.
Live Oaks trees are prominent in a neighborhood park in California that was an integral part of our family’s formative years; time spent in that park inspired, motivated, and comforted us. And so we transplanted those experiences to Seattle.
We have always envisioned our company like the Live Oak tree, providing coverage and support to our clients and community.
2020 tested this belief in ways we could never have imagined. The live events industry were decimated and many companies like ours lost over 70% of revenue, with some being shuttered permanently.
Although we were severely damaged, like the Live Oak tree, we started to grow new sprouts:
- During the first stay-at-home order, we used our empty AV vans to deliver over 3,000 meals in partnership with two local companies, employing 6 drivers that had been laid off.
- We built a livestream studio in our building to help our clients transition to virtual events in a safe environment.
- We provided live streaming and studio services to 20 local nonprofits empowering them to raise over $1.5M through high-quality virtual auctions.
- We kept restaurant owners, nonprofits, corporations, and donors connected to each other by live streaming cooking demonstrations.
So what’s in a name? We’d like to think it’s an invitation to amplify our community, even further, branching out to convey your message in the best way possible—all while growing new sprouts in challenging times.
Contact us to chat about your next event.